

Develop the industry of tomorrow by innovating today

Product Management - Technical development 
- Data - Design - Marketing

Our expert's point of view

"Industrial and aeronautical leaders use digital technology as a lever for innovation and optimization. Conquering new markets, improving the daily life of their teams, securing people and optimizing their processes, the potential is enormous."

Our experiences with the innovative services of large leading groups allow us to complement internal IT teams or to take charge of projects in complete autonomy.

We are constantly monitoring the latest data, mixed reality, mobile and drone technologies to enable you to optimize your activities.

Arnaud Pichon

Arnaud Pichon

Product Manager

Our clients

Innovation project manager at SUEZ


Innovation project manager at SUEZ

The whole team has been very attentive to user needs, uses and acceptance of service by teams. The objective of having a demonstrative proof of concept and winning user membership is reached. Our operators' work facilitation project has efficiently advanced.

Suez illustration

Our projects

Suez - Connected Operators

In order to better manage the water network, protect operators in the field and offer communities innovative and efficient solutions, the Suez research center, LyRE, has entrusted us with the mission of creating new digital solutions. Suez's priority objective was therefore to secure interventions, but also to improve the inspection of the water network.


The Suez group has a limited view of the underground water network, with pipes of varying sizes, some visitable, others too small. The larger ones require the intervention of agents for maintenance. These operatives are exposed to toxic gases and have no underground GPS. They move through the pipes to carry out surveys and inspections, then return to the surface to generate diagnostics.

__Goals :
1. Secure the work processes of water network inspection agents
2. Improve the efficiency of diagnostic processes
3. Have solutions that are easy to use

-Field study with operators to define their needs and constraints
-Creation of a suitable physical device: front camera, harness, tablet
-Underground 4G network relay study to guarantee connectivity
-Development of dedicated software and data management for feedback.


- Employees reassured and taken into consideration
- Standardization, automation of data processing
- Reliable diagnostics and data

- Creation of photos to quantify and qualify defects.
- Reports generated in 10 minutes, compared to several hours previously.
- A project that can be transposed to other professions and sectors

Do you have an idea ?

The BeTomorrow expertise

BeTomorrow is your digital partner expert in technical development, data, AI, IoT who propels your industry towards the digital future. Let’s create industrial digital innovations together.

Betomorrow expertise with industrial leaders allow you to quickly explore innovations combining technologies and user experience. Our agile quality and design methods allowed us to deliver products for our customers acclaimed and without bugs.

  • UX User-centered journey

  • Product design

  • Brand identity

  • Technical development of cross-platform web and mobile applications, IoT, blockchain

  • Data hosting strategy and data services (Big Data, Data Science, Machine Learning, NLP)

  • Go To Market of your industrial innovations. Find out how our agency has been able to establish solid partnerships with major players in the industry sector, demonstrating our credibility and expertise.

Our offers

Dedicated innovative unit

On the basis of your brief we mobilize our multidisciplinary teams to design and develop with you the innovations of tomorrow (ex: Suez Connected operator, Lloyd's)

Digitalization of business applications

After an analysis of your business processes, we offer you a digitalization, iterative roadmap that we can unroll at your own pace (ex: SNCF, Suez ECP, Seenergi)

Data-intensive and Digital Twin applications

Our Data experts set up the cloud infrastructure and algorithms to make the most value of your data. (ex: Vinci)

Hosting services on sovereign cloud

At BeTomorrow, we focus on securing sensitive data for our clients in the fields of defense, healthcare, education, and industry. To achieve this, we offer the implementation of infrastructures hosted on sovereign cloud certified SECNUMCLOUD and HDS, such as S3NS.

Other projects

User experience at the service of dosing precisionDosatron
SES mobile apps by BeTomorrow - Société Européenne de SatellitesSES
Livestock management for farmersSeenergi
Operator using the softwareSuez - Connected Operators
Generic illustration of the Oscar application, a platform enabling SNCF to maintain France's rail network. Oscar
BeTomorrow projet for Suez about how to prevent clear waters from being parasitized.Suez - Parasitized Clear Waters
Drone inspection platformLloyd's Register
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